Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Most embarrassing moment thus far:

Students, pleading, "Miss Eddy, you HAVE to go watch 'John Doe' on youtube! He is hilarious."

Me: "Okay, okay."

Students, the next day: "Did you watch 'John Doe'?!"

Me: "Guys, 'John Doe' was STUPID."

Students: "Uhhh, 'John Doe' goes to our school."

Girl Student: "He is in my Chemistry class."

Boy Student: "I'm going to tell him you said that!"

Me: "What I MEANT to say was that I didn't think it was very funny."

Then I dug a hole and buried myself.


I thought I caught my first cheater. I had him change seats immediately.

Later, I graded the tests. He got a D, and the kid he cheated off of got an F.

Nice cheating.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Me: "Who is your favorite superhero and why?"
Student 1: "Miss Eddy, showin' up proofs with theorems and such."

Me: "Who is your favorite villain and why?"
Student 2: "Miss Eddy - she so evil."