Friday, January 14, 2011

Student Poems

I'm in Geometry class
Wishing I can go home and relax.
Shapes, sides, and angles
Maybe when I go home I can eat grapes, pies, and mangoes.

I drew a triangle.
It had three sides,
And then I erased it
Because it was being obtuse.

Shapes are things
Like a circle
But circles are lame.
They don't have sides.

Numbers, shapes, circles, and spheres
Help us all conquer our geometry fears.

Geometry is not my favorite class,
I'll be lucky if I pass.

Geometry can be very fun,
If you work hard to get it done.
It really isn't that bad,
I think it's the best class I've ever had.

Proving every shape with proofs,
Miss Eddy is there to help us not goof.

Math is fun,
When Geometry is the sum.
The equation is 1 + 1.
The answer is 2,
2 much fun for you.

Circles are round,
Rectangles are squares (not really)
But more than four sides is more than I can bare.

Geometry has many sides.
You can look at it from many angles.
But there is always proof
That Geometry is cool.

Geometry is cool.
Eddy is not fool.

Geometry is weird.
Geometry is great.
I really don't like homework though.
It's the only thing I hate.

Miss Eddy's class has ADD.
We freak out and kill bees.
It's okay -- it makes it fun
As long as we get our work done!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Most embarrassing moment thus far:

Students, pleading, "Miss Eddy, you HAVE to go watch 'John Doe' on youtube! He is hilarious."

Me: "Okay, okay."

Students, the next day: "Did you watch 'John Doe'?!"

Me: "Guys, 'John Doe' was STUPID."

Students: "Uhhh, 'John Doe' goes to our school."

Girl Student: "He is in my Chemistry class."

Boy Student: "I'm going to tell him you said that!"

Me: "What I MEANT to say was that I didn't think it was very funny."

Then I dug a hole and buried myself.


I thought I caught my first cheater. I had him change seats immediately.

Later, I graded the tests. He got a D, and the kid he cheated off of got an F.

Nice cheating.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Me: "Who is your favorite superhero and why?"
Student 1: "Miss Eddy, showin' up proofs with theorems and such."

Me: "Who is your favorite villain and why?"
Student 2: "Miss Eddy - she so evil."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I had my first bad dream about my students. My students were swearing uncontrollably and not listening at all.

& this was before I agreed to chaperone the dance.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Highlights" of the First Quarter

Me: "What is your favorite part of this class?"
Student: "Looking at you."

Student 1: "Miss Eddy, do you have kids?!"
Me: "Haaaa!"
Student 2: "Well, how old are you? Twenty-eight?"

Students: "Come on, Miss Eddy, tell us how old you are!!"
Me: "All right, the reason I didn't want to tell you was because I am actually younger than you! My mom drives me to school every day!"
Students: "Really?"

I pass out the new note-taking guides.
Student, flipping through the book, "It smells like learning."

Me: "Okay, Kim and John, do you remember what an obtuse angle is?"
Student Kim: "Ohhh, John, it's big!"
Student John: "I know."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hold On Tight

I was hired Monday evening August 30th. School starts September 7th. The life of Miss Eddy begins.